Sunday, August 28, 2016


"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
―Morpheus (Matrix)

Monday, June 8, 2015

The HTTP Filter DLL DefaultAddonFilter.dll failed to load. The data is the error.

Today, I had this error on my Dynamics CRM server and tried solution in this link ( but the error still existed. Maybe this is not my situation.
Then I opened "Uninstall or change a program" of Windows and recognized that the library "Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable(x64)" was missing. So I downloaded it from Microsoft download website and installed it. And it fixed the error.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Map SkyDrive as a Network Folder

  1. Open Windows Explorer. Select 'Computer' icon to show the ‘Computer’ area.
  2. Right click in an empty space, choose ‘Add a network location’.
  3. Step through the wizard, select "Choose a custom network location" and click Next.
  4. When you get to the part asking for a network address, open your SkyDrive site by web browser(Firefox, IE, ...).
  5. Select any item in your SkyDrive site, choose "Share Folder" on the right-hand side, then "Get a link", then View only. In the resulting window, copy the text from ‘resid=’ to the ! character. For example: With!107&authkey=!AFzutdlXCsRf2vU, the text will be 84E1C29A3B9BFF72
  6. Go back to your Add Network Location wizard, and enter the following in the network address:<copied text>/
  7. Click Next. And it will pop up a dialog to ask for your login information to SkyDrive. Enter information and OK.
  8. Finish the wizard, and enter a name for your SkyDrive location.
  9. Now, you now have a Shortcut to SkyDrive without being worry about your hard disk space.

Monday, February 13, 2012

How to check IIS process in Windows Task Manager

If there are many websites deployed on the same IIS using different pools. There processes will be shown in Windows Task Manager with the same name w3wp.exe

There is a way to recognize those processes.
1. Open cmd window.
2. Go to windows system32 folder.
    <code>cd C:\WINDOWS\system32</code>

3. Run this line
    <code>cscript iisapp.vbs</code>

Monday, August 1, 2011

Test autocomplete function with Selenium

Command "type" doesn't trigger the autocomplete box.

To trigger the autocomplete box, use "typeKeys" after "type" command.

type           id=txtTicker SS
typeKeys   id=txtTicker I

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Config bugzilla to send mails with gmail account in windows

1. Download Glob's sendmail program for windows at, and unzip it.
2. Copy all items in unzip folder to \usr\lib on the drive where Bugzilla is installed. So if Bugzilla is installed at C:\Bugzilla or any folder on C: drive, create a 'usr' folder at the root level of the C: drive, with a 'lib' folder within that.
3. Open sendmail.ini to edit these values in this file.
    If you are using google apps

    If you are using gmail
    auth_username=youremail without

4. Go to the Administration tab in Bugzilla, and select Parameters link.
5. Choose Email link at the sidebar on the left.
6. At mail_delivery_method combo box, select Sendmail.
7. And you can send mail using gmail account.

Permission error when running "Power Platform Backup Environment" in Azure DevOps

 When we run action "Power Platform Backup Environment" in Azure Devops with an App Registration account, we get the error "P...